Monday, June 13, 2011

Night Bookers' Book Club's Discussion of Range of Motion by Elizabeth Berg

The group had a lively discussion about Elizabeth Berg's book Range of Motion. It is a fictional account of a woman dealing with her husband being in a coma for three months, and not knowing if he would wake up. Some found the story and the main character, Lainey, uplifting. Some were surprised to find the story not morbid. Others found the story too unrealistic, and too unbelievable. Some found Lainey too strong and the ending too neat. Others argued Lainey was in turmoil because she kept seeing a "ghost," who kept giving her advice. They said this indicated inner conflict. Others pointed out that Lainey's friend Alice saw the "ghost" too, but another person pointed out that she was going through her own turmoil. Alice thought her husband was cheating on her with another woman. Well, he was cheating on her but not with a woman but with a man. A good discussion was enjoyed by all.

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